Who is Giovanni?
I was given a CD collection today and there are some amazing things in it but none more amazing than this collection of Giovanni CDs.
Look at him. Can you have a more disinterested look? He looks like his parents are forcing him to take a photo.
This collection must be the largest Giovanni album collection in the US right now. These are just a few of them. Why so many?
I also inherited a Bose radio CD player so what better way to test it than a Giovanni CD? There was already one in there when I opened it. It’s just piano music no vocals, which was disappointing.
Then I started thinking about this from a Stephen King perspective. What if Giovanni is an ancient spirit and playing his whole album allows him to escape his CD prison (like the prison in Superman 2) and then he takes over my body and plays average piano with it?
That wouldn’t be terrible now that I read it. Maybe even an improvement. But who is he?
Does anyone know or has anyone been to a Giovanni concert?